Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So here's a formal introduction of my family. Well for now, just the people i live with.
I live in a 2 bedroom HDB apartment with my Mum and cat.
Next door, my Grandmother and unmarried uncle share the apartment.
So the four of us, possibly the loudest family you'll come across. Day or night, screaming within our household is inevitable. Whether its 'DINNER TIME!!!' or 'WAKE UP!!!' there's never a quiet moment.

Despite the constant shouting and arguing, we are quite possibly the closest family you'll see around. You can dispute that fact but prepare to get owned.

So by shameless referencing a movie that is painfully obvious.
I feel we just allow our lives to collide and crash with each other, just so we can feel, even for a brief moment, the warmth and comfort of each other's company.

So to sum it up, "Dysfunctional Family". That's what we are and damn, are we proud of it.

Posted by Mr. Brightside at 7:32 PM

Family & Youth

This is the first in in a whole semester of 'journals' that i have to do for my family & youth elective module. Given all the recent cases of hopeless teens getting their ass sued due to their stupid blog posts, i shall begin this one with a disclaimer.
"All views expressed hereafter are mine and mine alone. They do not reflect opinions of others unless otherwise stated, nor are they meant to be force upon any reader of said content. The creator of these posts reserves the right to edit the content as he wishes and all claims and events recounted are assumed to be true within the creators perspective."

I believe every post in this blog should at least have a relation to Family & Youth (Hereafter, referred to as 'FY') i'll just ramble on about something that happened recently.

Since we are on the topic of internet stupidity and negligence, i shall recount an event that happened to my cousin recently.

First of all you should know he is not a very nice person, and above all, not very smart. The story goes that he was involved in some sort of feud in school and it became something pretty unpleasant. The other party, let's call him Ben, began blogging about him in an unflattering light and some vulgarities were exchanged in the 'comment' box.

Well naturally my cousin, being juvenile and whatnot, started his own anti-Ben blog. He started bashing the other guy, even going to the extent of gathering a squad of 'haters' against him. Since he is still my cousin and i love him so much, i allowed my name to be listed on his blog as 'president'.

Eventually, everything was laid out in the open to the school's authorities cos' of a rat. Ben got angry and being the rich, spoilt, childish, gay, weak, skinny, ugly, Korean boy that he is, he threatened to sue my cousin. As if quoting some Boston Legal lines weren't enough for Ben, he even went to the extent of threatening to release 'scandalous' information of a mutual cousin of ours through Ben's own blog.

I shan't bore the reader with the rest of the details but long-story-short, i personally saw to it that things were resolved as peacefully as possible between Ben and my cousin. There was no law suit and no more drama. Ben quit school and my cousin was left alone.

I guess this entire story is a bad example of a post for FY. However, i feel that this shows how close i am to my cousin as i stood up for him even though he is usually wrong. The bond i have with him is something really special and i don't see me doing this sort of thing for anyone else easily. This kind of love and protection extends to my single mother, re-married dad, grandmother and about 6 other immediate family members that i won't bother mentioning for now.
That right there is self-awareness AND knowledge about family life.
Also this is a really long posts and i think by default, the next 10 posts don't have to be as long right? A post a day for the whole semester is freakin' long man.

Posted by Mr. Brightside at 6:31 PM